Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Genetic Genealogy Records

Greatest Genetic Distance

Greatest distance between 2 males in YSearch is

Greatest distance between 2 SNP confirmed R1b1 males in YSearch is

Greatest distance between 2 SNP confirmed I1a males in YSearch is

Greatest distance between one male and his next closest match in YSearch is

Greatest distance at 37 markers between documented 4th cousins is 34/37.

The most extensive descendancy chart on the Web confirmed by Y chromosome testing by distant cousins in YSearch or Ybase.

The most extensive descendancy chart on the Web confirmed by mtDNA testing by distant cousins in MitoSearch.

The most number of documented transmission events between two people who match 67/67 is 17

The closest genetic distance between two 25 marker haplotypes which have been SNP confirmed to belong to different haplogroups.

The closest genetic distance between two 37 marker haplotypes which have been SNP confirmed to belong to different haplogroups.

The most distant documented cousins in YSearch who match 37/37: 9th cousins who shared a common ancestor in 1644:

96/96 match between documented 6th cousins once removed:

The person who has revealed the Y chromsome and mtDNA signatures of the largest number of his ancestors. For example John Doe knows the Y signatures for 7 of his 8 great-greatgrand fathers, the mtDNA signatures of 5 of his 8 great-grandfathers, and the mtDNA signatures of 4 of his 8 great-greatgrandmothers.

The most haplotype diversity within a cluster of related haplotypes and related surnames.

40 different ancestral lines have been tested according to

The person who's ancestors have been revealed to belong to the most number of different haplogroups

Largest number of HVR1 differences from the CRS in MitoSearch

1. 14 held by NCQMF in haplogroup L1

Largest number of HVR1 and HVR2 differences from the CRS in MitoSearch

1. 28 held by 7S533 in haplogroup L1


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